Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I Have A Dream

you know those dreams that just seem so real? the ones where something happens to you and that something just might have actually happened to you but you don't remember. it's a wierd feeling to have, waking up at 1 in the morning and you can't even remember what exactly the dream was, but you know it was bad. you think about it for the rest of the day, slowly remembering what happened in the dream but you can never remember completely. you know what was said but you don't know the i ask, what is the purpose of these dreams? do they mean something? are they a shadow of what's to come or just a reminder of what not to do? cuz some dreams do come back. either you have the dream again or some day when you least expect it you're just walking down the road and it hits you....."i've seen this somewhere before" an empty thought. your mind goes blank as it tries to recall the memory, what is commonly known as deja vu. sometimes you can remember that "oh, this was a dream i had once" other times you're left with a reality that never existed. nothing more than thoughts with no meaning. so again i ask, what is the meaning? is God trying to show us something? or are our minds playing cruel tricks on us to get their laughs? agree to disagree