Sunday, May 15, 2005

Fall Creek Falls Aftermath

okay, i am offiacially back from FCF...........not exactly the best time of my life but it couldve been worse. it's just kinda hard to occupy yourself for so long, cuz heaven knows nobody is gonna come talk to me.......maybe im defected of something? anywho, dont really know the plans for today, but im gonna try to sneak into town. my Beautiful and I need some bonding time after a long weekend away from each other.

ah, nothing like a nice car ride and an unexpected visit to make you happy again and you have no idea how funny star wars sounds in french we decided to see "kicking and screaming" tonight. so i guess you'll hear from me later too.

even later than the later that was before........
the movie rocks. i think everyone should see it. not the best will ferrel movie but it does get a kudos.

good news! im not going to kill myself