Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Yes, Tara's Going BACK In The Shop

well, we think one of our dogs ran away. on top of that, she was nearly to the point of death to begin with. so we think one of our dogs are missing and about depressing. well, she's 13 years old (that's91 in dog years), her time's come anyways......

I START COLLEGE IN A WEEK!!!! stupid expensive books......

my car's going BACK in the shop tomorrow, and i'm not paying for it either. i've taken it to them 4 times now and every time they say there's nothing wrong with it either the check engine light comes on or the other people i take it to say it messed up. i've wasted $200 at jerry damson just so they can say "there's nothing wrong with your car" WHEN THERE IS!!!! i'm spitting angry!!! i'm like, a tornado of anger here........swirling about!!!!

come friday, we chill at the Hobbs........oh yeah!

"you thing your days are uneventfull, and no one ever thinks about you"