Aerith's Birthday
today is a great day. i am sitting upstairs in the play room writing this entry on my new laptop. my beautiful ibook. it is white, as opposed to lime green, and it rocks. my beautiful has a wireless internet chip so i dont have to be "connected" to be connected, if that makes sense. lovely songs, hot backround pics, and everything good. the only problem is that it's alittle different getting used to a mac instead of a microsoft. but it's all good. so, you might actually see me on AIM now! check me out at Buffman751, for those of you who dont know my AIM name. and i now (finally) have a e-mail adress. Buffman751@yahoo, cuz im a buffman.......not really. i just like the name. and it makes it easier if i only use that one name for everything i do, so ill never forget my if i would.
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