Sunday, August 28, 2005

College Starts Off Pretty Easy

well, i have good news. your first day at college is wickedly easy. all i did was listen to my instructer tell me "this is what we're going to do this semester, you may leave now" so....


the worst is still yet to come, i start actual work on friday, so we'll se what happens then.

today, i have political science from 8-9, then i work until about 4:30, then i go to Composistion from 5:30-7, then i have chemistry lab until 10 at night! so my day is full.

one word, caffine

"cuz i dont want you to know where I am, cuz then you'll see my heart in the sadest state it's ever been. this is no place to try and live my life........I'm sorry for the person I became, I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.........who I am hates who I've been"