Tuesday, August 30, 2005


i have to say, one of my favorte things ever is rain. i dont know if it's just the fact that when it rains everything is dark (usually) or just something about the rain, idk. but i love it. thats why i like hurricanes......they bring lots of rain.

im really hoping my college classes this morning got cancelled.

i got scared out of my mind yesterday. i was looking for a parking spot to get to my math class when i realized there were no parking spots. i saw some other cars parked on the curb so i thought "if they can do it, I can!" so i pulled beside the curb and put the car in park. no less than 5 seconds later, a policeman pulls up behind my car and starts walking up to my car with this pad of paper (the dreaded ticket) and says "you know you can't park there"...............................................................this is the part where i died
to make a long story short, ge said since i just parked there he wasnt going to give me a ticket (but all those poor other peole......tsk tsk) but i did have to walk a long way to get to my class. it's a good thing i got up early! so, the moral of the story is 'GOD IS GOOD!' if i came 5 minutes earlier or later id have a ticket right now so......im gratefull to the One who controls all things.

"ta chi ko ma ...........tachikoma ko!"