Wednesday, October 12, 2005


hmmm.....i think ive hit what most people call "homesickness". i eagerly wish i had wireless internet connection at home, and a slightly more familiar house, someone to wash my dishes, make my bed when i leave, someone who cleans the house while everyone's gone, someone to wash my clothes, DIRECT TV, HALO 2, a larger variety of foods to eat, some company maybe?

you know, the basics...

good news is, my excursion is almost over (it ends this saturday), a few more days and i get to go home. yay! there will most certainly be a celebration including halo 2 and sleeping....ill skip the eating part.

currently making my way through the secondd set of exams. my math exam is tomorrow, my american government exam is tomorrow, my chemistry exam is friday, and my next essay is due soon, date tbr (to be released) woot

"When all you've got to keep iss strong, move along, move along like I know you do"