Saturday, October 01, 2005

A Question

A question was raised last weekend. if you could describe yourself in 1 (one) word or phrase, what would that be? now, naturaly, this is a rather unfair question. anybody who rates themself will try to make themselves look better than they truly are (I.E. samuel said "cool" and nathan said "in-humanly-strong"). but besides that point, i described myself as "deceptive" or "persuasive" as I am that way......
well, what really struck me was this, that night at the jam while we were eating, the question was raised again. i called luke a "conformer" and i called samuel "late" but the chelsea adams (who was with us at the time) described me as "cold-hearted" i don't know if i was offended because she doesn't know me that well, or if i was impressed because.......well.....that's true.

anywho, that was free.

Aerith did something rather funny last night. we figured out the reason why i fight so many laggy people on Halo is because i have my laptop beside me when i play. the internet i use when im downloading or using IM while im playing Halo causes the i was the cause, not other people.
so while i was playing yesterday i turned Aerith off (usually i just put her to "sleep", so i don't have to go through the process of turning her back on again) but when i turned her back on my preferences, my settings.......they were all reset! somehow, my computer completely reset itself when i turned it off. luckely all my document and applications were still there (that wouldve been a lot of Naruto down the drain) but i spent the rest of the night fixing my settings back the way they were.

"hey guys! hurry up!!! it's time to destro........i the world!"

today will be spent cleaning our house cuz we have a open house on sunday. if you want to come see our house the cleanest it will ever be (or buy it, either way) it's this sunday 2-4.
idk why im saying this.......

my boring weekend is almost over!

"Take me in to the Holy of Holies. Take me in by the blood of The Lamb"