Tuesday, October 04, 2005

How Did I Forget To Tell You All This?

i am temporarily moving! that's right, for the next week and a half (starting thursday) i will be living by myself in my own house!!! or at least someone elses house that i'm borrowing. i will be staying at my aunts house in madison for a while watching her house and her cat while she's on her cruise.

and also! im getting a new car!!! my car's gonna cost too much to fix this time around so we decided it was time for her to go.........*sniff*.............

5 hours of crying

but im getting a Ford Explorer....brown....big.....bad.....uhhh.......bawsome?

all who go to my church should see it. and others will see with time.

ceremony for Tara will be held October the 10th 12:00pm.....destination unknown

"Maybe we should shake 'em up a bit?"