Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A New Beginning

Now that's interesting.....what's this now?

Went to Kaits house on monday to do a little Trick or Treating. And in all honesty.....I haven't done that since before I can remember......seriously......it was cool though. Watched BeetleJuice after that. I must interupt though......now, the DVD is titled "BeetleJuice" but in the movie he's named "Beetlegeuse". What's up? Are we dealing with an identity crisis or just a common misunderstanding in spelling? (well....not so common) Maybe marketing for that movie was just so stupid that they couldn't read or something......who knows.

"Hey, isn't that, like, what you work in?" "Quiet kid....."

OOH! OOH! In about a month I'm done with school for a while!!! Oh yeah!
Until then, I must brave the storm.

"She's independent and beautiful"