Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Xanga Got Some Updates

ooooh, i can do other stuff!

i have to make this quick, pressed for time you know

i got scared out of my mind again yesterday. i was at work (and for those who dont know, parking at the office is really tight and hard to get around in) all of the sudden one of the other workers walked in.
"ummm.........i was in a hurry to leave and.........ummm.......who's accord did i hit?"

i died

right there

i mean, i literaly fell over on the floor

then i figured out that it wasnt my car so i picked myself back up off the floor and continued working.
hehe, scared ya didnt I?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


i have to say, one of my favorte things ever is rain. i dont know if it's just the fact that when it rains everything is dark (usually) or just something about the rain, idk. but i love it. thats why i like hurricanes......they bring lots of rain.

im really hoping my college classes this morning got cancelled.

i got scared out of my mind yesterday. i was looking for a parking spot to get to my math class when i realized there were no parking spots. i saw some other cars parked on the curb so i thought "if they can do it, I can!" so i pulled beside the curb and put the car in park. no less than 5 seconds later, a policeman pulls up behind my car and starts walking up to my car with this pad of paper (the dreaded ticket) and says "you know you can't park there"...............................................................this is the part where i died
to make a long story short, ge said since i just parked there he wasnt going to give me a ticket (but all those poor other peole......tsk tsk) but i did have to walk a long way to get to my class. it's a good thing i got up early! so, the moral of the story is 'GOD IS GOOD!' if i came 5 minutes earlier or later id have a ticket right now gratefull to the One who controls all things.

"ta chi ko ma ...........tachikoma ko!"

Monday, August 29, 2005


went to the Buies for bill and jbs b-day celebration yesterday. played a massive game of poker (stupid nathan) and watched laguna beach, well......SOME people watched laguna beach (ben and samuel and robert and bill) while some of us were tempted to kill ourselves by the mear stupidity of a bunch of rich girls and guys in scantily clad outfits worrying their lives away about who likes who and who dumped who and who's cheating on who.......excuse me while i throw up

now i feel better.

well, there's math and chemistry today, then i have work, then i have to come back and finish writing my paper. boy, do i love college (not)

oh yeah, anna and her friend jamie came home for bills b-day yesterday, and did we have fun? oh yes

the quotes went flying, insults followed and all i have to say is.....

your moms face in a box

"now i wonder how whatsername has been......."

Sunday, August 28, 2005

College Starts Off Pretty Easy

well, i have good news. your first day at college is wickedly easy. all i did was listen to my instructer tell me "this is what we're going to do this semester, you may leave now" so....


the worst is still yet to come, i start actual work on friday, so we'll se what happens then.

today, i have political science from 8-9, then i work until about 4:30, then i go to Composistion from 5:30-7, then i have chemistry lab until 10 at night! so my day is full.

one word, caffine

"cuz i dont want you to know where I am, cuz then you'll see my heart in the sadest state it's ever been. this is no place to try and live my life........I'm sorry for the person I became, I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.........who I am hates who I've been"

Friday, August 26, 2005

It's Official

well, it's official. i'm a college student. i have my first paper to write so it's official now. i had to interview one of my fellow classmates (her name is Latrice, a 25 year old lady from Chicago) and write a 2 page paper introducing her to my instructer.


on the bright side, i didnt have precal today! so i spent my extra time sleepng but now i have chemistry, then work, then i have to drive ALL the way back home to pick up my stupid brother then take him ALL the way back into town for the Bible study.

life still sucks

"been up all night drinking to drown my sorrows down
but nothing seems to help me since you've gone away
i'm so tired of this town where every tongue is wagging
when every back is turned
theyre telling secrets that should never be revealed
there's nothing to be gained from this but disaster

here's a good one
did you hear about my friend?
he's embarrassed to be seen now......."

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

First College Classes

at this very moment i am leaving to go and tackle my next task in life head on. i'm still not sure if i'm ready or not, but i do know that I'll be fine.

but just to be sure, please pray for me, i'm so nervous i can't keep my hands straight. i'm worried about looking like a complete idiot in front a bunch of people, and lots of other things too. i have so much going on in my life that I have to worry about, so, i could really use some help, and God's pretty much the only one that can help me.

anywho, wish me luck!

college, here i come

"This is the dawning of the rest of our lives.......on holiday"

Monday, August 22, 2005

A Wicked Long Post

church was awsome, as always.

went to atlanta bread company after, but i didn't eat. i'm watching my figure (or i have no cash) but somewhere between the discussion of hydrogen cell cars and rocket ships i slipped out to go to comp-usa to check out the mac store........oh yeah.........then we taught Elise how to say "rock on" with the proper hand signs to go with it. nedless to say, things went wrong......but that's all i can say......we're sorry Jason, it just happened. she must have learned it from you or something.

then we went to the hobbs to do nothing but listen to shakespearian (?) star wars, monty python clips, watch james bond, and launch water balloons at ben from across the street.

after that, we went to the Buies to watch MORE james bond. we figured out why those movies are sooo long. cuz the spend 30 minutes just showing guys throwing gernades and them blowing up!!!! a complete waste of time! we ate some wicked awsome japanes kinda chicken with rice. and i actually ate it........i ate rice guys..........for real.
then we watched STAR WARS EPISODE VI RETURN OF THE JEDI! we watched samuel get a haircut, everybody saw lukes password, and even samuel began to think he was sly enough to "secretly" throw away the food he supposedly ate. did i say that out loud? hmmm.....

then i went home.

my summer is officially over now. i go back to work today, and start school on wednesday.

when i got tired of running from you: i stopped right there to catch my breath: there your words they caught my ears: You said "I miss you son. come home" : and my sins, they watched me leave and in my heart i so believed: the love you felt for me was mine the love i'd wished for all this time: and when the doors were closed: i heard no i told you so's: i said the words i knew you knew: oh God, oh God i needed you: God all this time i needed you, i needed you

okay folks

dig the new tunes. if you ever get the chance to watch the music video, do so. i cried.....seriously

in other news, i'm getting glasses! pretty much, i have a stigmatizm and the eyesight in my left eye is pretty bad, so im getting glasses. but their only for when im driving so with all luck you'll never see me wear them. let me change that, you WONT see me wear them. i look like a geek in glasses......ugh, but i had my pupils dialated so i am having a very hard time seeing at the moment so if i misspell any of this it's not my fault....

i start college in 2 days!

oh! the green day concert that got canceled is rescheduled for october 16. I AM SOOO GOING TO GO!!! anyone who feels up for a drive to nashville to see only the most awsomest band in the world, give me a call. we can like, get a group rate or something....

"you know they say life is short? they say one you wake up one day and on that day all of your dreams and everything you wish for and you wanted are gone just like that. people, people get old and you know things change and situations change and what i want is just, i want this moment right now, this day..........."

Sunday, August 21, 2005


ah, God works in mysterious ways. a group of about 10 people, praying and worshiping their hearts out wanting nothing more than to stay in Gods presence for just a little longer, if only time could've stopped.......

that means friday went well

spent the night at nathans friday night for some more haloage. needless to say my practicing payed off in the end, but there is still more work to be done.

i beat Myst! now on to Riven, if only i could get this disk to work....

im on disk 4 of IX so just a bit more, man i play a lot of games.....

i pretty much did nothing on saturday though.

ooh, backtracking, i bought my college books friday, $420!!!! now i'm poor. you're all gonna have to drive me around now cuz i spend too much on gas as it were

as it were......hehe

church today. WOOHOO!!!! who knows what afterwards......probably something fun, and free preferably. i have only $80 for the next 2 weeks, and that's definately not enough.

repress and restrain, steal the pressure and the pain
wash the blood off your hands, this time she won't understand
change in the air and they'll hide everywhere
no one knows who's in control

Thursday, August 18, 2005


i get paid tomorrow! too bad all of it has to go towards my college books. but, if i look on the bright side, then i'll be all ready for college!!

anna helped fullfill our Final Fantasy collection today. we now own the following Final Fantasy games.
I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and X-2. XII is in the making, III doesnt exist in america, and XI is a waste of money. so for the moment, the collection is complete.

they fired 2 people at work recently. one was fired for sexual harrasment and the other was stealing i think.......i just felt like sharing.....although i probably shouldnt, at least you dont know their names.... it's fair that way.

the weekend is coming

we found our dog, 100 yards away from the house in the woods. she coudlnt move and all that jazz. now she's at the doggy hospital (the vet) on IV's and stuff. they dont think she's gonna make it though....

opinions are an immunity to being told your wrong
paper, rock, and scissors, they all have their pros and cons

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Yes, Tara's Going BACK In The Shop

well, we think one of our dogs ran away. on top of that, she was nearly to the point of death to begin with. so we think one of our dogs are missing and about depressing. well, she's 13 years old (that's91 in dog years), her time's come anyways......

I START COLLEGE IN A WEEK!!!! stupid expensive books......

my car's going BACK in the shop tomorrow, and i'm not paying for it either. i've taken it to them 4 times now and every time they say there's nothing wrong with it either the check engine light comes on or the other people i take it to say it messed up. i've wasted $200 at jerry damson just so they can say "there's nothing wrong with your car" WHEN THERE IS!!!! i'm spitting angry!!! i'm like, a tornado of anger here........swirling about!!!!

come friday, we chill at the Hobbs........oh yeah!

"you thing your days are uneventfull, and no one ever thinks about you"

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Missing Out

AGR!!! i am jealous, and angry, upset and a lot of other words that describe how i feel right now!!! there's a Green Day concert in Tennessee and I'M MISSING IT!!!!! curse that stupid cash fund thing! i want to go see Green Day! does anyone want to front the cash to me so i can go? you will be greatly rewarded.

for pete's sake, i start college in 1 week......idk if i'm scared or happy, it's one or the other.

music practice rocked last night (too bad for sick people) we're trying to get good enough to play in public (our church doesnt count) and show off our "skill", but we need to sharpen our "skills" first. practice practice practice

oh, i need notebooks and paper and stuff for school, and a wicked awsome lunch box with batman on the side! oh yeah, i'm gonna be the big man on campus. all the guys are gonna say "i wish i had a batman lunch box" and all the girls are gonna say "what a dork". but that's the price you pay for coolness.......dorkness.....they go hand in hand

the spot to be this friday is at the Hobbs!

we had hamburgers for dinner tonight.....if you cant tell i'm just trying to make space so this post doesnt seem small, so instead i'm making it stupid......apologies

i got off work early today too, so i spent it brushing up on the old halo skills. and i will say, ive made some good progress, but still have very far to go. plus, i got to play with anna and one of her friends tonight. man, anna, do you stink at halo, you need to play more often.

i love new wallpapers for my computer too.

church tomorrow, food afterwards.....chill

a word from the wise,
live today like it is your last, and never forget who it was that gave you life

"Amazing Grace I feel you coming up slowly, like the sun is rising sun heat on my face"

Monday, August 15, 2005



this guy rocks

good news, all of my classes worked out so i get to go to college AND work (i need both desperately) the only words to describe the joy, "Oh Yeah"

the weekend was ok, stayed home all day friday cuz someone *coughSAMUELcough* forgot to call me back telling me everybody was going to see a movie. oh well, i guess i can't get mad at nobody......*couhgIMGONNAKILLYOUSAMUELcough*

i actually did something saturday though! we went to lakyns b-day party and spiced things up a bit. we were throwing kids in the pool violently, chasing people around with swords and burning $100. some stunts could've gone better but who cares, for the look on haleys face when i burned that $100, priceless

went to my grandmothers for sunday, listened to anna tell us all about her england trip. then went home to take part in the joys of multiplayer games. ah, yes.

oops, i'm late for work again........


Sunday, August 14, 2005

. . . . . . .

you know, i've really gotten out of the swing on this. i used to be so good at it but now my brother's passing me!! i gotta get back in the groove, reclaim my title as the greatest of the great (maybe i'm stretching this) at least get back to being the best that I know.........oh yeah, watch out people, i'm comin' back

and all he could say was "................................"

Saturday, August 13, 2005


and a wonderfull saturday morning to you all.

my day's probably gonna consist of playing IX from dusk till dawn (unless my friends have the decency to call me) but one way or another i'm sure it's gonna be alright.

i heard a song yesterday, i coudn't help but think back,
i started to cry again, i thought i was beyond that,

i'm really getting into Myst too. it's creepy your like walking around places where there should be people and every corner you're ready for some zombie or something to pop up and kill you but no one does. (hint, there are no zombies in the game)

man, do i look sharp in this Oxford shirt....

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Demanding Public

apparently my public (or at least jb) is wanting a new post......

dont say i didn't warn you

ANNA'S BACK!!! all the way from Oxford, England with gifts!!! my mom got some antique books that are extrememly hard to find (i can't remember which ones). john got a cheesy joke book (which is very funny, actually) and an art book. bill got a shirt from oxford and something else, i acnt remember what is was. i got a wicked awsome shot glass from oxford (cuz you all know about my drinking problem ) and a shnazzy looking oxford shirt, cuz anna thinks i look smart in it......i thought i always looked smart? her knives are being mailed here cuz the stupid people at the airport said that knives cant be taken on the plane. i told her she shouldve killed em right there.....just for that

new cd. im not very partial to screaming, but the haunting aspect.....oh yeah

i finally got a game for aerith. Myst. wicked awsome. i kinda consider it my prequel to studying. the game really makes you think! you have to take down notes and stuff just to keep up with what's going on. not to mention i got the 10 year aniversary edition which comes with Myst's entire trilogy, Myst, Riven, and Exile. 3 games for the price of 1!!! now thats what i call a deal.

THE WEEKEND IS HERE!!! the partying may begin.

i close to beating IX too, just a little bit more

i took a trip to the Mac (macintosh, for unintelligent people) store to buy a cord for my iPod and ended up staying and walking around for a half hour, using up all of my lunch hour if you include driving there in the time. i seriously started drooling once i got in there. soooo much stuff that would make Aerith and Ayame soooo happy. speakers, games, stuff like that. there's this mouse that i want for Aerith that's $50 but it's wicked sweet!! i think i'm gonna buy it. now that i think about it, there's still some people who haven't seen Aerith yet......we need to fix that sometime. (if you would actually come to parties we have at our house that wouldn't be a problem)

some news to the world. we might be moving into town. (possibly for real this time) my parents have spent so much money on car expenses (cuz mine keeps breaking) lately that they FINALLY realized that if they moved into town that we wouldnt have that problem so much. driving 20-30 minutes into town everyday gets to you

now, how many of you actually read all of that?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

To My Parents

this one goes out to my parents.

thank you both for everything you've done lately. helping me pay for my car, college, my laptop, making sure my all too skinny body doesn't get any skinnier (that means thanks for feeding me) thanks to my dad for giving me the chance to have a job at a place where i get to do what i want to do for a career, for helping me figure out want i want to do for a career, if you hadn't gotten me that job i'd probably be working at BK still. thank you for all those times you took us out to eat on sundays instead of going home to eat leftovers. thank you for providing for me and giving me the chance to live the luxurious life of a cherokee ridge resident, even though we're so far away from our friends...thanks to my mom for always making me feel better when i'm sick, always making sure i get better as soon as possible so i can clean that messy room of mine. thanks for driving me around while my car was getting fixed (i know anna did most of it, but you helped out too) for all those times i came begging for $5 because i used up my $50 for the week, for all the wonderfull meals you cook, and for all those back rubs (which i appreciate soooo much. you absolutely HAVE to teach my wife how to do that, whenever i get married) ooh, and I thank both of you for putting up with my stubborn attitude. i let myself get out of hand one too many times.

p.s. i probably forgot some stuff cuz i'm writing this at 11 o'clock at night so i'm like dead tired

Your Son.....

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Samuel's How Old?!

shout out to my main man Samuel James Hobbs who just old are you again? they said something about it tonight.......i can't remember, was it 40 or 18? there were so many candles i lost count........

2 more weeks until my first college classes start. woot

ah! almost forgot, i am no longer doing the drug mixing at my job (no im not being fired) instead, i'm testing pumps and dealing with stock and ordering stuff and some deliveries. basicly i'm being moved to delivery. sadly the change doesnt constitute a raise but it's a change, and it makes the company happy so i have a better chance of getting a job from them once i'm a wickedly rich pharmacist. so if you see me driving down the road, music blazing as high as the speakers can take it, in a car you don't recognize, honk or wave or something.......but man, do i hate the radio


new cd rocks

and i had to wear shorts for the 4th time this summer for samuels party.....and i was shooting to just go thrice.......hehe.....thrice......

by now im probably just annoying you with random nonsense, right?


my car's back in the shop........gas leak.......


i finnished getting registered for classes last night so all i have left to do is to get my books, graduate, and become a rich pharmacist! oh yeah!

not to mention, anna comes back soon so, for you anna, we will have to go see a movie, or watch all the new episodes of shamploo and teen titans, or cook those japanese meals again, or play a enourmous multiplayer RPG (we have one in mind) or have a party where you give me my souvenier......

p.s. music practice rocked last night!

p.p.s. i have a lot of junk around the house that i need to clean up

p.p.p.s i had the most wonderfullest dream last night

Sunday, August 07, 2005


oh, you know it......

had wick-ed fun this weekend, did nothing but play games saturday, then did just about everything there is to do in Huntsvegas on sunday (which isn't a whole lot) went to see Toby Mac and Rick and Bubba at the stars game where we joined in the fun of waving our hands around and acting like we were black just like Mr. Mac (rhyme intended, im getting in touch with my blackness) all around it was cool.....

stopped by the buies to learn that nathan should be a profesional trainer (of the muscle building kind) who knows where that'll go

last minute college stuff!!!! idk if im excited about going to college, if im scared, happy, worried, or whatever else there is to feel about college. when people ask me how i feel about going to college i just say "ill figure that out once classes start"

you never minded calling me a child, well i guess that's how i acted all the while


oh yeah, we went bowling too. i got my first ever turkey baby! i was going for the chicken but i got a strike instead of a spare.....

Friday, August 05, 2005

Ah, Gary

i get my car back today then im going to that concert with plumb tonight. cuz plumb ROCKS! who knows what to do after....

we played some RAMPAGE last night. giant monsters eating people and destroying towns just for the heck of it.......royal fun

i also met a new friend........his Gary

goodness, these depressionate (is that a word?) moods come to me a lot lately.......*sigh*

i did manage to have fun tonight. we went to the plumb concert (i love plumb!) where Samuel proceeded to be hit on by a girl. needless to say there was much joking. i really think it was all because of his new hair, for real! then we went to the stars game to watch the fireworks where josiah cooper got these other girls numbers (not to mention, one of them had the hots for Mr. John Hobbs) but accidently forgot to save the number on his phone. too bad, i hear josiah goes for those 15 year olds......yeah......

the search for Gary is on!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Try Googleing Yourself

I've gone on a new mission to buy all of the Crash Bandicoot games......
cuz they ROCK!

i think ive been spending too much money lately.... within the past 2 weeks i think ive blown $150-$200 on manga, games, and food alone. not to mention my car is fixed now so i gotta pay for that too.....GAH!

and by the beard of zues it's hot upstairs! ive been sleeping downstairs on the couch for the past three nights just to get away from it.

and yet another day of work calls my name....

"I'm still waiting for you to be the one I'm waiting for"

i felt stupid this morning and googled myself. here's what i found

David Crabtree


(there was a picture here but i couldnt get it on, just google for "David Crabtree" and you'll see the pic. i'm some old guy)

Professional Experience
1994-present WRAL-TV5; 1991-1994 - KCNC-TV; 1988-1991 - KMGH-TV; 1985-1988 - WITN-TV

10 Emmys; named NC Journalist of the Year four consecutive years by the Radio and Television News Directors Association of the Carolinas; Gabriel Award

News Philosophy
To serve the community, to educate, enlighten and empower. Our focus must be to strive for fairness, accuracy and compassion

B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; attended Vanderbilt University School of Divinity

Place of Birth
Nashville, Tennessee

Hobbies/Interests/Community Involvement

Community involvement: 2004 Ordained as vocational Deacon in the Episcopal Church with a focus on death row and hospice care. Also enjoys tennis, sailing, theater, reading, walking

Two daughters; one granddaughter

Sampson, an English bulldog

Favorite Books and Movies
Books: "Les Miserables" "My Losing Season"
Movies: "Finding Neverland" "The Ninth Day"

Likes Best about N.C.
Its people and the coastline
Most Interesting Assignment
Pope John Paul's funeral, Mother Theresa's funeral, James Taylor in London, documentary on the Vatican, documentary on migrant housing, covering seven major hurricanes at the coast

Most Interesting Interview
Husbands of wives with breast cancer

Copyright 2005 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

sorry, that was long.....i'm done now

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The AC's Broke

HOLY CRAP! it's hot up here!!! our AC is busted so we children must sweat it out for now.

well then, that's a new one.....

my ear is bleeding. and quite profusely if i do say so myself.

on top of that, i learned something new today. today i learned that you learn something new every day. for better or for worse you always learn something new.

today i learned that i have officialy become the spider killer for my job. 30-50 year old women with kids of their own and they need me to take car of a spider smaller than a penny? what's wrong with that picture?

ugh, and my chatterbox thingy isnt working. any help?

doop dee doo.....of to play IX

Monday, August 01, 2005


my poor Tara should be coming back soon with $1,800 improvement on her transmission. for all the money i've put into that car it better work this time.

if anybody knows a cheap way to buy college book PLEASE TELL ME cuz just like everyone tells you, college books are extremely expensive!

in other news (and this is more for anna) jeremy clardy graced us with his presence sunday morning for the first time all summer. and of course, what sunday would be complete without.....
"look at the stars, see how the shine for you, and everything you do.....and it was all yellow"

my shadow's the only one that walks beside me,
my shallow heart's the only thing that's beating,
sometimes i wish someone up there will find me,
'til then i walk alone....