Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Major Kicks Major Butt

okay, maybe a quick post before i sleep.

finished reading one of my favorite graduation present. i wish cyberization was real. i would kick butt like the Major.........and be a part of section 9.......but i wouldnt get my head blown off like the Major......and own a fuchikoma........or a tachikoma........yeah.

my pointless rambling for the day.

havent done anything exciting in a while......i need some excitement.

work tomorrow, then church. whopee. you can tell how excited i am. wOOt (note the sarcasm)

im, so tired of being here. supressed by all my childish fears.
and if you have to leave, i wish that you would just leave
your presence still lingers here, and it wont leave me alone
these wounds wont seem to heal, this pain is just to real
theres just too much that time cannot erase

Monday, May 30, 2005

The Rockage Of RPG World

uuuugh, ive just spent the past day reading all of rpg world. for those of you who dont know what that is, it;s a comic that makes fun of all those role playing games like final fantasy and stuff. very funny. www.rpgworldcomic.com for those of you who care.........which is no one.

another boring day. played some final fantasy 10 (cuz ive already beaten it ) ate some, played my long lost friend halo 2, and looked around the internet a bit. my life at its fullest

ive found my second role model.


Sunday, May 29, 2005

I Watched Titanic?!

ive reached an all time low.

i got bored so i decided to watch tv. the only thing that i saw that was on that i had even heard of was titanic. so i started watching it. now im depressed and all that jazz. it's a depressing movie! i almost cried........

im gonna do something exciting tomorrow.........if i can get off my laptop

if anybody has any ideas on what to do tomorrow, comment or something.

As Of Late

watched the longest yard last night. it was good. then we went to Barnes and Nobles. it was tight. then I went home. it was wicked. now im getting ready to go to church. it is awsome.

and for those of you who i see more often than others i'll be bringing my beautiful into town today so if you want to see it come see me.

oh, how much i love ghost in the shell. i think i'm gonna marry the Major, if she doesn't kill me first. U.S.A.'s gotta get the cyberisation process down first before that happens.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Aerith's Birthday

today is a great day. i am sitting upstairs in the play room writing this entry on my new laptop. my beautiful ibook. it is white, as opposed to lime green, and it rocks. my beautiful has a wireless internet chip so i dont have to be "connected" to be connected, if that makes sense. lovely songs, hot backround pics, and everything good. the only problem is that it's alittle different getting used to a mac instead of a microsoft. but it's all good. so, you might actually see me on AIM now! check me out at Buffman751, for those of you who dont know my AIM name. and i now (finally) have a e-mail adress. Buffman751@yahoo, cuz im a buffman.......not really. i just like the name. and it makes it easier if i only use that one name for everything i do, so ill never forget my name.....as if i would.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

Behind These Hazel Eyes

Seems like just yesterday you were a part of me
i used to stand so tall, i used to be so strong.
your arms around me tight, everything felt so right
unbreakable, like nothing could go wrong
now i cant breathe, now i cant sleep, im barely hanging on....

here i am once again, im falling to pieces,
can't deny, can't pretend, just thought you were the one,
broken up deep inside, but you wont get to see these tears i've cried
behind these hazel eyes

have you ever heard a song where you were just like "wow! Kelly Clarkson must know exactly what im going through!"

sorry, i just felt like it

The day has come.........


Wednesday, May 25, 2005


sorry, i havent been good about posting lately. im gonna get to it one of these days. im just busy with all the graduation stuff, and last night my mom made us clean the ENTIRE upstairs! not fun

ill try dto do this sometime soon

hey! come see me graduate tomorrow! it's gonna ROCK! bachelor party afterwards, no girls allowed, there will be excessive drinking and partying
jk but we gotta do something fun.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Phone Upgrades

my dad just upgraded our phone plan so i now have 1000 minutes to share (with my two siblings and my mom) and.........UNLIMITED TEXTS!!!! why couldnt i have had this earlier? but whatever, it makes me happy. no more $150 overcharges for me, no sir

uh oh, my dad's coming.......... I have to get off. more on my life as of late, later

Peace out?

Sunday, May 22, 2005


In life there is only one uncertainty.......

and that is the future

Saturday, May 21, 2005


boy, it's been a while since i've done this!

tonight will come the dissapointment. i will see the third episode, and it will suck. but it's worth seeing it just to see the end. who knows what im doing afterwards, cuz i sure as anything dont.

dude! you can get sooo much money from graduation gifts! right now i'm at a hundred bucks, a picture frame(?), a really big manga book, and a $35 gift card to wal-mart. i expect for my funds to continue growing! so give me all you're money because i'm more important than you now. muahahaha

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Giving Up

you know, i thought about never writing on me xanga ever again. i would just leave it alone and maybe it would make the pain go away or something. then i realized that i'm an idiot so i figured i'd give life another shot. so besides the new hole in my wall, the pillow drenched in tears, my killer headache, and my renewed love in all things evil i think i'm gonna be okay. i just needed to slam my face into something hard, slap myself a couple of times and now i'm fine.......sorta. so while some people have given up on me i'm willing to continue this questionable life of mine.........hmm, now what to do?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Self Explanatory

okay, i'm depressed again...........

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


boy do I love my senior class

anywho, the day went well. and i've decided to be happy........kinda wierd that i have to make the decision to be happy now.

cuz I'm Mr. Brightside that's a song!

man, it's hot here. it's like the stinkin' ac's broke. i'm gonna sue

what do you get when you mix a lot of sick people who want to take there medications at home and the place that i work? a busy day of work for me

Monday, May 16, 2005

Ponder, Ponder

hmmm, (the sound of pondering in the background)

man i'm sooo tired. so instead of writing at night like i usually do im gonna go to sleep.

zzzzzz........zzzzzzzz.........but i don't eat spaghetti...........zzzzz


work, food, work, food, music, sleep.

sleep is a beautiful state of mind where all the pain goes away,

until you wake up

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Fall Creek Falls Aftermath

okay, i am offiacially back from FCF...........not exactly the best time of my life but it couldve been worse. it's just kinda hard to occupy yourself for so long, cuz heaven knows nobody is gonna come talk to me.......maybe im defected of something? anywho, dont really know the plans for today, but im gonna try to sneak into town. my Beautiful and I need some bonding time after a long weekend away from each other.

ah, nothing like a nice car ride and an unexpected visit to make you happy again and you have no idea how funny star wars sounds in french we decided to see "kicking and screaming" tonight. so i guess you'll hear from me later too.

even later than the later that was before........
the movie rocks. i think everyone should see it. not the best will ferrel movie but it does get a kudos.

good news! im not going to kill myself

Friday, May 13, 2005

A Poem

I had a dream about you last night,
In my dream everything was alright.

I looked over and you were sitting next to me,
I was as happy as I could be.

But then i woke up from that dream and you weren't there,
I remember telling myself that it wasn't fair.

I tried to go back to sleep to see you again.........

But I couldn't

I tried, and I tried, time after time,
but 6:30 came, and with it the morning chime

But now I realize that I'm not alone,
It isn't over, there's still more to be done

Thursday, May 12, 2005


well, i figured i should at least post about why im not going to be around for a while.

i'm headed off to fall creek fall as of tomorrow morning.it is likely going to be a very boring weekend. but as ive been told, i just have to make the best of it.

i feel empty.......

it's going to rain today, isn't it?

well, for the most part i have to go to work now.

but on a side note...........the woman was right....................again

that stuff works wonders for a sore throat.

oh, i could go on and on about how wonderful, and beautiful, and perfect......

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I Have Officially Been Grossed Out

i had to go to one of those pharmacy credit dinners tonight and guess my topic. overactive bladders. you almost felt compelled to not stand up and go to the bathroom for fear of someone accusing you of having OAB, which is short for overactive bladder. i didn't even know it's a serious disease. did you know that OAB almost ranks as as a disease worse than diabeties? that's just crazy! for petes sake it just means you have to go to the bathroom more!!! but oh well,

uh, i think the woman might be right, it started with a sore throught but i think it's getting worse......what happened to me? i used to never get sick! GAH..........frustration,

anywho, fall creek falls this weekend. going to see a movie would've been better. sometimes i wish i had my old life back. you know, go back to the way things used to be. some people like to think ahead to what's coming up, i like to think back on all the good times i had.

..........................................................ah, I miss those times.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Okay, My Life As Of late

ugh, work makes me sooo sleepy. i think im gonna go to bed around 7 o'clock tonight. but, on the bright side i am making a lot of money. ooh, and good news for me. my parents are gonna buy me an iBook!!! i am wickedly happy. still don't know what color it's gonna be but i think lime is out of the question, sorry

ooh, and my dads gonna give me my debit card back sometime soon so ill have control of my funds from now on. (i know what you're gonna say, he's not giving it back cuz he knows i'm not gonna be able to spend it on you) but i still have to make sure i have enough money for college.

tonight i eat chicken yummy! chicken is my favorite.

and some random person commented on my xanga.......perhaps they are starting a fan club about me? yeah right, "the we love david crabtree club" good luck getting members to that one......nobody likes me, everyone hates me, i guess i'll eat some worms.......or chicken

til next time....................................................................................................

Life Got Pretty Boring Around This Time In My Life

this one's gonna be short too. i promise i reasonsble entry tonight.

work again. blah, 9 hours of my life wasted. will come home after that.

?! I'm late for work!

Monday, May 09, 2005

A Prett Routine Day

Okay, really, really, really long day today.

I have to work from 8-5 (that's 9hours!!!) then I dine by myself then I go to music practice from 7 to about 9:30..........

caffine would help...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

A Weird Dream

played games for most of the day, then went to the powells for David Powells graduation from law school, it was so interesting that i left early then i went to go see Kung Foo Hustle. it was awsome! funny, stupid, and yet occasionally serious. not to mention i had about the wierdest dream last night. it involved a semi-routine night at church, Richard Harper stole my symbol, for some stupid reason i was playing drums with syringes and needles, something about some people i barely knew, and the Busks were there too...........don't ask me what was going on. i have no control over what i dream about, i just occasionally tell people what it was.

Now I wonder how whatsername has been

Saturday, May 07, 2005


you know, i was soooo tired yesterday. i went to sleep at 10 last night thinking i would sleep in til about 9 today but something kept me up. honestly, i don't know what. but i can't sleep.

anywho, today should be a good day. anna's coming back (woot) and we intend to go see kung foo hustle, but the parentals interfere..........darn parentals. i don't know how the day's gonna go so we'll see. i just need to get in town. the tension is killing me

more on today, tonight

I remember the face but I can't recall the name

Friday, May 06, 2005

What's A Good Title Name?

okay......sorry for the depressing entry earlier. i was in a bad mood. a drive around town and an 11 o'clock call made that all better.

i am officially going to UAH this fall. i've got classes scheduled and i'm ready for it......well, not really. i just like to think i am. i'm probably going to die my first semester cuz my grades will be so bad. but we'll see.

hehe, unsuspecting victims of the surprise will be......ummm........surprised?
curse my redundancy.........

She went away and then I took a different path


hmmm......jr/sr? not the best day of my life. i just plain felt out of place.

applying for college classes today. woohoo.........then work..........woohoo......

tomorrow it will all be over

i made a point to burn all of the photographs

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Finally Done With School

Closing time, every new beggining comes from some other begginings end.

i finish today. i will get it done and there will be no more of it. i will burn the papers and have a tribal celebration with their ashes. and we will sing campfire songs, and our children will form a traveling band and we will tour the country side and you're not invited!..................... ...

in other news, the jr/sr is toninght...........woot things are either going to go well, or things will go horribly wrong. it's always like that.

today, part two of my evil scheme. muahahahaha

But it turned out to only be a dream

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Still Almost Finished WIth School

today was awsome! besides the fact that i had to get up early in the morning to finish a paper that was due at least three months ago, and i still have a hard math test to take, and then i had a long and hard day at work where i did all the work and my two coworkers did none of the work (that was redundant) but after work was the best part of my day i needed that.

ooh! before work and after i did school in the morning i did have my fun though. i am one sly dog...........you didnt hear me say that

thought i ran into you down on the street

Almost Done With School

ARG!!! there is still one math lesson and one more paper to write and then I'm done. what will i do now for the summer?????????work.games.eat.sleep. you know, the basics.

now I wonder how whatsername has been.......

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Oh, Stupid Me

walked in, said hey, left..........came back, said bye, left for real, sat in the car and hit my head on the steering wheel a couple of times. all I could say was nothing......poopie.

i'm gonna go hit my head on something hard again.

but hey! on the bright side i got to see you twice in one day and after a week and a half, i'm still as stupid as ever...............


i love music.

music is what ties us together.

when you feel sad it lifts you up.

when you are lonely it gives you something to relate to.

I love music

Monday, May 02, 2005

Re-Cap Of The Weekend

or right, the weekend.

spent two and a half hours listening to bills horrible tastes in music while trying to keep myself occupied playing my gameboy. then i had to stand around and wait for my sister to pack her 200 pounds worth of books into one box and her 300 pounds worth of clothes into another box. then i watched bill carry both those boxes down three flights of stairs while I provided emotional support. "yuu can dooo et" then we went to applebees and ate good in the neighborhood. we also found out bills favorite female music singers are Hillary Duff, Ashlee Simpson, and Lindsy Lohan. all of which are on my death list. when you read in the news that the Duffs were killed by an illegal shotgun..........it wasnt me. then we went manga diving and searched for some cheap anime that doesnt exist. 2.5 more hours of horrible music, a couple of texts, and a gameboy without batteries finnished my day. (sorry that was long)

church at FCF, bought new game, ate at wendys (by myself) apparently I am improving, people sung my praises at the powells, and there was much rejoycing "yeah" went home, bored to death, became tired, family guy. (maybe too short?)

Sunday, May 01, 2005



too tired to say much........promise to update tomorrow

cuz i know that all the amazing people who read my xanga (you hear the sound of a single cricket in the background) will love to hear what i have to say........
